PCB Assembly Desktop Factory project. Our team
We have many years of experience in developing electronic devices for various customers. When we complete a non-standard task, we often explore new methods and ways to achieve the required result. By accumulating this knowledge, we create solutions to simplify the design and creation of devices. It's time to share some of our solutions with the community now. Core team: • 3 full-time hard/firmware engineers • 15-30 years in product R&D and systems engineering • full range of product development jobs: - highlighting the problem - transforming it into a task - searching for possible solutions based on target parameters - analysis and selection of the best option Application and system programming: • core team programming languages: C/C++, ASM • compilers: C /C++ (CLI): GCC, IAR, SDCC, C++ Builder, Avocet C, Hi-Tech C • IDE: SlickEdit, emacs, IAR Embedded Workbench, Multi-Edit, eclipse cdt, STM32CubeIDE, Atmel Start, Atmel Studio, NetBeans IDE, Qt Creator • make, cmake, qmake, c...