DIY Dumble-like sounding MOSFET Overdrive

The Hermida Zendrive guitar pedal we will study, assemble and listen to today is a true masterpiece. Many say its sound is close to the Holy Grail of guitar amplification — Dumble Overdrive Special. Other people are more pessimistic in their judgments. Still, the precise response to the picking dynamics, the Voicing tuning options, and the sheer beauty of this overdrive’s sound are simply impossible not to love. But before we study the Lovepedal Zendrive or its copy of the Landtone Phoenix song, or the Aion effects Azimuth dynamic overdrive, we’ll study the evolution of the MOSFET overdrives that finally resulted in the development of this gem. Fulltone OCD Mike Fuller was one of the first to start using MOSFETs instead of diodes to limit the amplified guitar signal in 2004. His Obsessive-Compulsive Drive overdrive-distortion pedal is built on a standard circuit with one dual op amp. The first operational amplifier, X1, amplifies the amplitude of the guitar signal by a factor fro...