The undeservedly forgotten Classic Tube Оverdrive DOD FX-53 guitar pedal DIY
My first impression was that I had finally assembled the best overdrive in my entire life. For the first time, a cheap Squier Bullet Mustang electric guitar with stock humbuckers sounded equally good with all the cabinets I usually simulate and switch between when testing a new pedal. Like my all-time favorite guitar, the semi-hollow-body Harley Benton TE-90QM with P90 pickups, this Squier Mustang can be called "moody." The beauty of its sound does not reveal itself with any overdrive or cabinet you pick at will. One must properly look for good-sounding gain and tone knobs positions. The 2011 Gibson Melody Maker Explorer behaves completely differently than most other Gibson guitars. A deep and clear sound with no unpleasant overtones and no excessive protrusion of certain frequencies is obtained with almost any equipment of "good enough" quality in a much more comprehensive range of tone and gain settings. Does wood affect the guitar tone? It is common knowledge tha...